Cool dude!
On the go
Wearing Daddy's hat
Loves to be outside
Eatin some McDonald's
Loves blueberries
Playin outside
Loves his lawnmower
These are several recent pics of Dylan! He is such a fun, happy baby! It is amazing that he has such a personality! He even knows how to smart back...he gets it from his daddy:) It's hard to believe that he is almost 18 months old! It seems like yesterday that I was holding him in my arms for the first time and now all he wants to do is...go, go, go! He is such a blessing to us, we love him so much! There is nothing like your baby giving you hugs and kisses and telling you they love you! It's the best feeling in the world!
He is such a cutie pie...he and Trevor sound pretty much exactly alike. Trevor is such a ham...he loves gettin' attention. We need to get them together sometime soon and let them meet. I bet they would be big buddies!
Hey girl! E-mail me at and we can talk about when and where we can meet. I'm off for a week starting this Friday!
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