So, I just have to share this precious story with all of you! This morning Dylan & I were on our way to drop him off at school and he asked me, "Mama, how do you pray?" Wow! I can honestly tell you it caught me off guard but I simply answered, "I say Dear God, thank you for all you have given me, I love you, Amen" and he said, "Mama, I want to pray". And that is just what we did. He said he wanted to pray for his MiMi so we said it together, "Dear God, thank you for my Mimi, I love her and I love you, Amen." How precious is that? My child continues to amaze me everyday but he said the sweetest thing next. He said, "Mama, I want to pray for Uncle Brad next". That is my brother-in-law and although he loves Brad I just didn't expect him to say that. So, we then prayed for Brad, Quinn, Maddie Grace, Me, his Daddy and his friends. It made my heart smile so big to hear him pray! Another thing he said this weekend also made me smile. We were sitting at the table eating lunch with Nonnie & Poppie and he asked Poppie to pray and after Poppie prayed he said, "God made me". It was so sweet and he told us his teacher at church told him that. These stories made my day and I wanted to share them with everyone! Hope you all have a great week!