Our family

Some of Dylan's many facial expressions

Doing some Easter egg hunting

Dylan with his best bud, Booger

Dylan & his buddy, Peyton

This Easter has been so much fun! We started off the day by showing Dylan his basket that the Easter bunny brought him! He LOVED it! He got so many things and a lot of candy too! My favorite thing that I got my boys are the white polos that they will wear at the beach! I can't wait!! His daddy got an Easter basket too with even more candy in it than Dylan's!! Next, we went to church with Nonnie & Poppie. Dylan didn't do good at first, but when we let him sit with us, he did really good! Then, we went to Grandaddy's house to eat some great food and have the traditional Easter egg hunt! The kids had so much fun! Dylan even got the money egg, he was really excited about that! Today was such a special day to spend with family and makes me realize once again just how blessed I am. I love my family so much! I hope everybody had a Happy Easter!
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