So sweet!
Helping MiMi open her present
He wanted to smell it
MiMi reading to him
Riding like a big boy
Silly boys
Playing on the trampoline
My sweet boy
Dylan playing with Copper
Yesterday we celebrated MiMi's birthday at our house! Her birthday was Saturday but we had so much going on that we waited til Sunday to celebrate! We had such a good day! Jeremy grilled and we made some great sides and had some coconut creme pie! It was so good! It was such a pretty day that we spent most of it outside! I love my Mama so much, I know she had a great day with all her babies! She is so very special to all of us! Happy Birthday MiMi, we love you SOOO much!!
Okay...I LOVE the picture of him kissing Maddie! I think he needs a little brother or sis!
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